Bitumen-Polymer Reinforced Plastomeric Waterproofing Membrane Containing Distilled Bitumen and Plastomers.

The membrane is manufactured from modified bitumen reinforced with a non woven polyester fabric and a fiberglass mat.

abe® unigum dual reinforced is a robust and stable membrane due to the incorporation of two reinforcement materials. The membrane strength from the polyester and the stability from the fiberglass mat. The upper surface of the membrane receives an evenly distributed talc finish which allows the membrane to be unrolled easily during the installation process. The underside of the membrane receives a sacrificial polyethylene film, Flamina. The membrane is then embossed. The embossing allows for rapid burn off of the polyethylene film when the membrane is being installed by torch application and additionally allows for vapour diffusion when loose laid or spot bonded installation procedures are used.

abe® unigum MS incorporates a slate granule imbedded into the upper surface of the membrane producing an aesthetically pleasing, low maintenance waterproofing material. It should be noted that this membrane should not be used as a primary waterproofing membrane but be used as a capping sheet in a two layer system.

abe® unigum dual reinforced bitumen waterproofing membranes possess excellent ageing resistance and dimensional stability making them suitable for solving the most difficult waterproofing problems on: flat, sloping and pitched roofs, reinforced concrete, prefabricated concrete, masonry cement, metal and timber decks and terraces, with or without thermal insulation; and for renovation purposes.


The most popular installation method is by torch fusion using a suitable propane gas torch. Depending on the structure and specification the membrane can in addition to torch fusion method be loose laid, spot bonded or mechanically fastened. The Index publications ‘Technical Specifications And Application Manual’ can be referenced on this.

On installation, side laps and end laps should be 100mm and 150mm respectively. abe® unigum MS installation should be fully torched to the under membrane and laid with staggered side laps and end laps. Ensure that the slate granules are fully imbedded at the laps and that the membrane is not over heated.

  • Index membranes do not contain coal tar’ asbestos or dangerous substances as per Italian law 256 of 29 May 1974 and successive modifications and integrations (ref. Ministerial Decree 28 January 1992, enclosure III, section 2).
  • With regard to Ministerial Decree of 28 January 1992, article 10 which deals with ‘the classification and contents of packaging and labeling of dangerous materials in carrying out directives issues by the Council and Commission of the European Community’ the polymer bitumen membrane discussed in this technical data sheet is not obliged to issue a health and safety sheet. However, there is an information card available to anyone who requires it, which deals with correct use of the product.
Unigum Biarmato (Duel Reinforced)
Softening point R&B (ASTM D 36) 150°C 135°C
Shape stability at 100°C Stable
Tensile strength (L/T) (N/5 cm) 400 400L/T
Elongation at break (uni 8202) (L/T) 65% 70% L/T
Cold flexibility 0°C
Dimensional stability < 0,2 %
Thickness 3mm & 4mm
Mineral Unigum
Softening point R&B (ASTM D 36) 150°C 135°C
Shape stability at 100°C Stable
Tensile strength (L/T) (N/5 cm) 400 300L/T
Elongation at break (uni 8202) (L/T) 40% 40% L/T
Cold flexibility 0°C
Dimensional stability < 0,2%
1 x 10
Thickness 4,5kg
Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot – because a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals’ products are applied – accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals’ products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by the company.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total requirements. a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction technology.