All the relevant product data sheets are to be read for additional information like pot life, mixing instructions, surface preparation, ventilation, temperature application limitations, etc.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces must be clean, sound and dry. Concrete must be free of laitance, dust, fractured aggregate, oil, grease and foreign matter. For maximum adhesion the surface should be scabbled to expose the main aggregate. Reinforcing steel must be free of oil, grease, old paint, corrosion deposits and other foreign matter. For maximum adhesion, surface should be abrasive blast cleaned. Dryness of concrete should be proved by the ‘plastic sheet’ test. There should be no condensate on the underside of the plastic sheet, approximately 1 m² that has been fixed down with masking tape to the surface, for at least 24 hours nor should the concrete show a colour change.


Fix shutters on both sides against the face of the wall to cater for the depth of pour, not less than 10mm. Fill the area with epidermix 324 flowable epoxy grout. Ensure that the shutters are watertight to prevent loss/leakage of the product.

Release from the shutter may be obtained through the use of conventional mould oils but a better finish will be obtained by facing the shutter with plastic sheeting. Remove all wrinkles in the plastic to prevent transfer into the epoxy face.

Bonding / Priming

Self priming.


Premix the silica aggregate to obtain even distribution of the various gradings. Add the entire contents of the activator tin to the base component and without splashing, stir with a flat paddle until an even, streak free mixture results. This takes at least five minutes. Once the liquid components have been thoroughly mixed the aggregate may be added. When using a mechanical mixer, place the mixed liquid into a suitable container and slowly add the re-mixed aggregate, mix until an evenly coated, wetted mix results. Use this procedure also if manual mixing is carried out in a drum. All lumps must be broken down and an evenly wetted mass obtained. Beware high summer temperature and overfast drill mixing causing extremely fast curing. Very low temperature retards/stops curing.


Operations must be so designed that there is no chance of air entrapment in the mortar. Pouring must be done from one point, or side, of the unit and must continue from there until the gap is completely filled. Depending on the geometry of the unit and the distance that the grout will have to flow, it is usually necessary to provide a shuttered head for ingress of the mortar.

As a simple rule of thumb, the smaller the gap and the longer the distance that the grout will be required to flow, the larger must be the head provided.

NB: Once the epidermix 324 has stiffened sufficiently not to slump then insert the edge of a steel float completely through the product to create a joint. This should be carried out at intervals between 1.5 to 2.0 metres around the perimeter of the wall.

The volume of epidermix 324 that can be placed in one lift depends on several factors:

  • The ambient conditions prevailing in the immediate vicinity of the repair;
  • The heat absorbing properties of the shuttering and the substrate;
  • The cross sectional area of the repair;
  • The area of surface contact;
  • The ease of access for placing the mortar. As a rough guide, a single placing should not involve more than about 6×5 litre kits of epidermix 324 (i.e. about 30L mortar). Shuttering may be stripped as soon as the last lift has set. If appearance is important, rub down any nibs immediately, using a carborundum stone.
Protection on Completion

Against traffic and spillage until cured. Most epoxies chalk and degrade in extensive sunlight.

Protection of the surface against direct sunlight, apply a single coat of abe.®cote SF 356, at a rate of 5 m2/litre, to the surface after it has cured but within 24 hours.


abe® super brush cleaner before dried/cured.

Products Required
  • abe® super brush cleaner
  • abe.®cote SF 356
  • epidermix 324
Equipment Needed
  • 100 mm paint brush 
  • Flat steel paddle 25 mm wide x 5 mm thick 
  • Heavy duty Festo mixer with a helical coil mixing head 
  • Steel float 
  • Steel trowel 
  • Suitable 25 litre metal container for mixing
Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals endeavors to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied – accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of a.b.e.® products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation, or information given by the company.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total requirements. a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction technology.