White Pigmented Resin – Based Concrete Curing Compound

duracure WPR is a low viscosity, petroleum resin-emulsion curing compound for spraying onto the surface of concrete to give an effective and economical method of curing.


duracure WPR is very efficient for curing, where light reflectance is needed to keep the temperature of the concrete to a minimum.

  • duracure WPR complies with the water retention and light reflectance requirements of ASTM C309 as a type 2 curing
Typical Physical Properties
Specific gravity @ 25 °C 1.02 – 1.03
Solid content 32 – 34 %
Drying time 1 – 2 hours @ 23 °C

duracure WPR is spray applied to the newly placed concrete, care being taken to ensure complete coverage of the surface. Various
types of spraying equipment can be used i.e. Knapsack or motorized sprayers. Brush application can be used for smaller areas.

duracure WPR should be applied as soon as possible after the concrete has been surface finished, i.e. trowelled, tamped or textured as
required, but generally within 30 minutes or earlier if in conditions of hot sun or strong drying winds.

The nozzle of the sprayer should be held some 30 cm to 50 cm from the surface and passed slowly back and forth to ensure thorough coverage.
On vertical surfaces or soffits of concrete which may be partially dried out after being retained in shuttering for several days, it is imperative that the concrete should be well wetted before applying the curing compound. Never apply to dry or semi-dry concrete. To ensure the ultimate breakdown of the duracure WPR film, heavier coating should be avoided.

This coating will discolour the surface and therefore must not be used where aesthetics exposed surface finish requirements are a pre-requisit.
Curing membrane must be removed prior to overlayment with asphalt or other coatings/road-marking paint.


The coverage of duracure WPR is dependent on the surface of the concrete as well as the means of application. For estimating purposes, a
practical coverage between 4 – 7 m2/L can be used.

Protection On Completion

Protect surface against traffic and spillage until cured.


Immediately after use, spraying equipment should be cleaned out, especially the line and nozzle, with abe® super brush cleaner.


200 ℓ – 63707025
25 ℓ – 91278200

Handling & Storage

duracure WPR is an emulsion and is non-flammable but should be stored away from combustible materials.