Pliolite Resin Clear/White – Multipurpose curing, sealing and protective membrane for concrete

duracure PR-C (clear) or duracure PR-W (white pigmented) is a ready-to-use curing agent for application on fresh concrete, mortar and other cement coatings.

  • Protection of elements with a high surface/volume ratio: concrete slabs, roads, concrete highway (PR-W)
  • Protection of concrete and mortar subject to adverse drying effects at early age (high ambient temperatue, wind) (PR-C)
  • All cement-based elements subject to unacceptable desiccation
  • Eliminates the need of water
  • Imparts a harder dust free surface
  • Does not support the growth of bacteria
  • Non-degrading, acts as a primer system
  • Minimal delay for overcoating
  • Abrasion resistant floors
  • High curing efficiency
  • Reduce labour costs
  • Reduces chloride penetration
  • Will not impair the bond of adhesive used for installing overlayment such as tiles, coatings or bitumen primers.
Typical Physical Properties
Colour PRC
PR-C – clear
PR-W – white
Density: Clear (PRC) 0,815 at 25 °C
Density: White (PRW) 1,6 Kℓ at 25 °C
Flashpoint 36 °C (PMCC)
Drying time: (PRC) 1 hour 45 min @ 23 °C
pH (PRW) 7
Solid contents (PRW) 47 %
Freezing point (PRW) -9 °C



duracure PR-C or duracure PR-W must be done preferably on fresh concrete to prevent concrete from quick desiccation.

Spray duracure PR-C or duracure PR-W in a regular, smooth pattern to ensure uniform coating is achieved.

Prevents concrete or mortar from drying too quickly. This enables a more complete hydration of cement and avoids early cracking and drying

The surface of the concrete thus treated, after setting, offers a better resistance to “abrasion”, high hardness, without dusting and its aspect is


4 – 9 m2/ℓ depending on surface profile and specification.


Spray equipment must be rinsed with solvents, such as white spirit.


dura.cure PR-C 
25 ℓ – 63718025 25 ℓ:
200 ℓ – 63718200 200 ℓ:

Handling & Storage

Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extremes of temperature. Failure to comply with the recommended storage conditions
may result in premature deterioration on the product or packaging.