3 – Component epoxy cement fine mortar for surface sealing and skimming

durarep EC is a three-component epoxy cement mortar consisting of specially selected fine aggregates to provide a smooth or fine textured finish.

durarep EC provides an easy workable, trowel applied, thixotropic, non-slump consistency for the smoothing off irregular surfaces and blow holes on concrete and masonry.


Typical applications include:

  • Re-profiling of irregular surfaces, pore filling and sealing of blow holes to obtain a smooth or fine textured finish
  • Chemical resistant lining and or to receive an appropriate chemical resistant top coating
  • Applied to vertical and horizontal surfaces between 0.5 and 4 mm thick
  • For new and refurbishment applications in aggressive chemical environments
  • For concrete repairs see our durarep range of products
  • Quickly develops placeable consistency
  • Applied to damp surfaces
  • Impervious to liquids
  • Good chemical resistant for the protection of substrates
  • Quick turn-around time
  • Excellent adhesion strengths
  • Remains cohesive and does not sag
  • Solvent free
  • Renders a smooth or fine textured finish
Typical Physical Properties (@ 22 - 25 ºC)
Compressive strengths – MPa
1 day 5,3
3 days 22,8
7 days 25,7
28 days 31,1
Flexural strengths (MPa)
1 day 2,4
3 days 5,3
7 days 8
28 days 9,5
Bond strengths (MPa)
1 day 1,6
28 days 2,6
Pot Life at 23 ºC 2 hours
Design Criteria

An epoxy cement lining for the filling of blow holes and surface irregularities to render to provide a suitable chemical resistant finish to receive an appropriate chemical top coat for optimum chemical resistance.

durarep EC to be applied in accordance to the manufacturers recommendations.

Surface Preparation

This may be carried out by mechanical means, grit blasting, or high pressure water grit blasting.

Any surface defects are to be opened up prepared as per repair product requirements selected and repaired with the appropriate durarep range prior to applying durarep EC.

The surfaces after preparation must be clean, sound, free from dust, shutter release oils, and any contaminants that may impair the bonding or performance properties of durarep EC.

Surfaces must be thoroughly pre-wetted but excess surface water (free water) must be removed (SSD) prior to placing the durarep EC.

Surface and ambient temperatures must be greater than +5 ºC and rising.

The prepared substrate must provide a minimum of 25 MPa compressive strength and a minimum of 1.5 MPa tensile adhesion


Open the base and activator containers and thoroughly stir the contents individually, once thoroughly mixed add the base and activator together into a suitable clean container and thoroughly mix until fully homogenous.

Slowly add the powder portion to the mixed resin and thoroughly mix for at least 3 minutes until a lump free homogenous mix is obtained.

Mixing of grout may be carried out in a pan mixer, or by using a slow-speed (300 to 400 rpm) heavy duty electric drill fitted with a suitable helical type paddle for mixing mortars. Do not use a drum/free fall type mixer.


durarep when mixed yields approximately 12.2 litres or 1.72 kg/m2/mm thick.


Whilst the surface is still damp apply the mixed durarep EC to the surface by trowel, steel float or spatula to the required thickness.

Always maintain a wet edge during application.

Finishing can be carried out with a steel float, sponge float or brush depending upon the surface texture finish required.

Never add water to the surface as a finishing aid.

Differential atmospheric conditions and temperature above and below slabs may cause pin holing, a result of air movement through the slab from high to low pressure.


durarep should be removed from tools and mixing equipment immediately after use and before material has set with abe® super brush cleaner followed by washing with soap and water.  Cured material can be removed mechanically.

Protection on Completion

Treated surfaces should be protected the elements and other trades for at least 24 hours.

Temperature & Relative Humidity

Do not apply if the ambient or surface temperature is below 5 °C and falling.


durarep EC is supplied in 21 kg kits (code: 69222021)

Handling & Storage

durarep EC has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry store in sealed bags. If stored in high temperature and in high humidity locations the shelf life may be reduced.

Health & Safety

Product safety information required for safe use is not included.

Before handling, read product and safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. The safety data sheet is available from your local a.b.e.® sales representative.

Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot accept any liability for application – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total

a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over the years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction