Concrete surface hardener

abe®Conseal is a concrete surface hardener that reacts with the free calcium in concrete to form insoluble calcium silicate within the pores
of the concrete.

  • Concrete floors and walls
  • Concrete with a sufficient porosity level
  • abe®Conseall can be beneficially applied to water retaining structures and underground concrete to reduce dusting
  • Reduces dusting
  • Improves impermeability
  • Excellent adhesion and abrasion properties
  • Creates a harder, denser concrete surface
  • Treated concrete resists the penetration of water

A broad guideline is 6 to 8 m2 per litre.

Due to the widely varying degrees of porosity in concretes, coverage will vary significantly from job to job.

Surface Preparation

Soiled or stained concrete should be thoroughly cleaned using a heavyduty alkaline degreasing detergent.

Clean the concrete surface to remove any dirt, debris, laitance, saw cutting slush, or any substance, that may prevent penetration and chemical reaction.
Allow the floor to dry thoroughly, including joints and edges.


abe®Conseal should be applied to the surface in 2 – 3 treatments, preferably allowing 1 day between each treatment. This application of abe®Conseal is intended for application to properly finished and protected floors.

The finished floor must be protected against all evaporative conditions, including foot, or other traffic during application, including water ponding of
the surface.

Allow the floor to dry for as long as possible, preferably being treated just prior to hand over for installation of the racking systems.

First treatment
abe®Conseal should be diluted with an equal volume of clean water. After mixing, the product should be applied by brush or spray to the
concrete surface.

The product should be generously applied and absorbed into the surface. Mop up any pools of the product after each treatment as this could dry out
to form a glassy layer.

Second and Third Treatments
abe®Consealshould be applied undiluted, 24 hours after the previous treatment and up until the concrete will no longer absorb further treatment.

Use a soft broom to apply abe®Conseal evenly onto the prepared concrete surface at a rate of ± 7 m² / litre.

Work from saw cut to saw cut line or joint and avoid spillage into the adjoining panel, working in reverse.

Mop up any pools of the product after each treatment as this could dry out to form a glassy layer.



Over time, as the floor wears abe®Consealmay need to be reapplied.

Do not allow abe®Consealto dry on any surface other than that being treated.

Do not apply abe®Conseal unless concrete surfaces are protected from direct sunlight and evaporative winds.

In hot weather, pre-dampen the hardened concrete surface with water to cool down the surface, and then apply abe®Conseal once surface water
has evaporated.

Do not allow any unreacted abe®Conseal to remain on the floor. The product is not designed to leave a film of unreacted material on the surface,
which will leave unsightly stains that can only be removed by aggressive abrasion.

The application of abe®Conseal to damp surfaces will result in the formation of white crystalline deposits which may be difficult to remove.

Handling & Storage

If in the original sealed packaging, abe®Conseal has a shelf life of up to 12 months from the date of manufacturing.

Should the product freeze, it will recover its properties after thawing and agitating.

Avoid storing abe®Conseal in direct sunlight.


• 25 ℓ jerry can
• 200 ℓ drum
• 1000 ℓ Flowbin

Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot accept any liability for application – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total

a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over the years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction