Commercial Grade

Medium alkaline, decreasing detergent cleaner


abefloor cleaning agent is a medium alkaline degreasing detergent cleaner for hard surfaces and floors. abefloor cleaning agent aids in the removal of daily dirt, grime build up and is purpose formulated for the removal of oil deposits.

abefloor cleaning agent is used for heavy duty machine and plant cleaning and is used in the chemical process, motor, food and beverage packaging industries.

abefloor cleaning agent is environmentally friendly and bio-degradable, it complies with SABS testing SANS 1344 and can thus be used in food processing environments.



abefloor cleaning agent is suitable for cleaning of all floor surfaces such as:

• Garages
• Engineering workshops
• Warehouses
• Kitchens
• Process areas
• Industrial equipment
• Packaging plants
• Food and beverage industry

abefloor cleaning agent is the preferred maintenance cleaning product for polyurethane, epoxy products, and similar thin film coatings.

  • Concentrated
  • Effective at high dilutions
  • Easy to use
  • Economical
  • Mild on skin at use concentrations
  • Bio-degradable
  • Food safe detergent of water
Typical Physical Properties
Colour Clear yellow liquid
S.G. 1055 – 1070
pH (1% Solution) 9.5 – 10.5
Tested in accordance to SANS 1344 and is deemed safe in the food and beverage industries

Spray a 1-2% solution through a foam generator to the soiled area and follow with thorough water rinsing. For manual cleaning of equipment and degreasing of heavily soiled floors, apply a 1:20 solution and scrub the surface with a rotary scrubbing machine fitted with a medium to soft pad or bristle brush. Thoroughly rinse surfaces with high pressure water. Adjustment of concentration may be required depending on the soiling of the surfaces to be cleaned.

abefloor cleaning agent may be used from dilutions of 1:20 to 1:2 depending on the surface to be cleaned. In harsh cases neat product is used alone but best results are obtained with an initial dilute solution followed by a more concentrated solution. All ratios quoted are volume ratios mixed with fresh, clean water.


abefloor cleaning agent is supplied in containers of:

5 litre (code: 1630-1005) and
25 litre (code: 1630-1025)

Handling & Storage

abefloor cleaning agent has a shelf life of 6 months if kept in a dry store in sealed bags. If stored in high temperature and in high humidity locations the shelf life may be reduced.

Cleaning and Maintenance Guidelines

Wherever polyurethane or epoxy floors are used, good housekeeping will help keep them looking at their best and help ensure that they provide a safe and attractive working environment. Cleaning regimes should be frequent enough to ensure that a safe working environment is maintained at all times. This is usually dictated by the environment.

Cleaning Recommendations:

1. Remove debris, do not expect mechanical scrubber-dryer machines to remove large items of food and packaging debris.

2. Where required, use proprietary degreasing agents/detergents see our product recommendations below.

3. High temperatures in excess of 50 °C and mechanical action greatly improve the mobilisation of dirt and fats.

4. Degreasing agents require time to work, when using scrubber-dryers it is beneficial to apply the cleaning solution to the floor with the vacuum turned off and after a few minutes return to the area to scrub and remove the cleaning solutions.

5. Mechanical action helps shift dirt. Cleaning solution and soil must be removed from the floor, otherwise, a layer of soil and detergent may build up making the floor slippery and reducing the appearance.

6. Effective rinsing is required for best results. If spillage is too frequent, it may be impractical to clean them up immediately, so a smooth floor would be slippery. If the spillage is noxious, it may be a requirement that it is removed so it is always dealt with immediately and the question of slip hazard does not arise.

7. The chemical resistant nature of polyurethane and epoxy industrial flooring means that no commercially available cleaning compounds will damage the floor when used at their normal concentrations however, staining and discolouration could take place if using ammonia based or highly alkaline detergents.

8. It is not recommended to use any highly acid detergents or acid based cleaners. It is therefore vital to find out the composition of cleaning chemicals used prior to applying.

9. Puddling of cleaning solutions if allowed to evaporate to dryness may lead to deposits on the surface and ‘water marks’ which can be hard to remove subsequently. It follows that removal of cleaning solutions and adequate rinsing is required to maintain your floor looking at its best.

The chosen cleaning chemicals should be appropriate to the environment and the soil to be encountered. As with all cleaning procedures the soiling must be mobilised and then removed from the surface. For best results mechanical cleaning equipment should be used, particularly on larger floors. A mildly alkaline, dilute solution of detergent is all that is necessary.

Important Notice

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied – accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of a.b.e.® products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation, or information given by the company.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total equirements.