Non-metallic ultra high strength cementitious floor screed

abedur S is a blend of very hard, high wearing natural aggregates, shrinkage compensated cement, free from metallic material, used to produce a hard wearing granolithic type floor.


abedur S may be used in surfacing areas operating under very wet or dry conditions and/or subject to extreme wear internally or externally. These screeds can be applied to fine tolerances with respect to line and level. abedur S has a successful record as flooring in mine change houses; mine stores; hostel kitchens; abattoirs; warehouses; bakeries; fish shops; sand blasting plants; pavements; municipal bus sheds; loading bays; product drying tunnels; shopping malls and freezer rooms.

Should Not Be Used
  • Where it would be subjected to attack by acids
  • Where it would be subjected to attack from detergents and other chemicals that will affect Portland Cement

abedur S screeds may be:

  • Easily applied, just add water and mix
  • Used for internal and external applications
  • Surface profile finish as required
  • Uniform application thicknesses between 10 mm and 35 mm
  • Dustless (up to 80 % reduction in dust)
  • Shrinkage compensated
  • Ultra-high strength and high abrasion properties
  • Light to heavy traffic applications
  • Non-metallic
  • Quick turnaround
  • Monolithically with a new subfloor, i.e. while the subfloor is still green.
  • On existing floors where the abedur S screed is bonded to the existing floor by means of an epoxy adhesive such as epidermix® 116

Similar to concrete.

Joints in Floors

The position of the joints should be mapped to facilitate correct forming and cutting of joints in the abedur S screed. Any joints required must be saw-cut within 36 – 48 hours after laying. Joints must be cut in the screed to coincide with any expansion/construction joints in the sub-floor. Panel size must not exceed 25 m2 and joints must not be spaced more than 5 m apart.

25 kg of abedur S 2,5 ℓ 2,7 ℓ 3,0 ℓ 3,2 ℓ
Flow table @ 25 drops @
25 ºC mm
110 140 185 200
Fresh wet density (g/m³) 2.387 2.366 2.327 2.325
Compressive strengths (MPa) – cured at 25 oC
1 Day 45 36 27 22
3 Days 65 54 44 36
7 Days 70 74 65 59
28 Days 85 83 77 70
Flexural strengths (MPa) – cured at 25 oC
3 Days 10 9 8 7
28 Days 11 12 11 10
Surface Preparation

BASE CONCRETE: Where an abedur S screed is to be laid monolithically on concrete, the slab should be cast to within a minimum of 10 mm of the finished level. The surface should be true and free of excess water and laitance. Where an abedur S screed is to be laid on an existing floor, the floor should have a compressive strength of not less than 25 MPa and provides a tensile adhesion strength greater than 1.5 MPa. It must be mechanically sound and fully cured in accordance with good concrete practice, must be clean and free of laitance, oil, grease, dust and any other contamination. The concrete should be roughened prior to surfacing with abedur S. This may be done by scabbling, abrasive or water blasting, chipping or under exceptional circumstances, acid etching. If acid etching is used, request full details from a.b.e.® on how to do this before work is commenced (13% strength HCI – the surface has to be neutralized afterwards and cleaned/flushed with high pressure washing using potable water). Structural cracks should be repaired prior to the application of abedur S. (All cracks repaired must be approved by owner or engineer, dynamic structural cracks will mirror through the abedur S).


Using a pan mixer add the required amount of clean potable water to the mixing vessel. Whilst mixing slowly add the powder to the mixer and continue mixing until uniform and lump free. Total mixing time should not exceed 5 minutes. Only mix the required quantity that can be placed at one time. Do not exceed 3.2 litres of water per 25 kg bag.

Do not re-temper the mix or add more than the prescribe water content as this will impair the products performance. If the product has stiffened up due to delays in application discard the mix and mix a fresh batch.


25 kg abedur S plus 2.5 litres of water will yield 11.5 litres approximately 1.15 m² at a thickness of 10 mm.

(10 m2 @ 10 mm thick = 100 litres divided by 11.5 = approximately 8.7 x 25 kg of abedur S).

25 kg abedur S plus
water 2.5 ℓ 2.7 ℓ 3.0 ℓ 3.2 ℓ
yield 11.5 ℓ 11.7 ℓ 12.0 ℓ 12.2 ℓ
@ 10mm thickness 1.15 m² 1.17 m² 1. 20 m² 1.22 m²

Uniform application thicknesses may range between 10 mm and
35 mm.

1. As a monolothic screed

Allow the concrete to attain initial set (±3 hours), remove all surface bleed water and any laitance and then spread the abedur S mortar to 10 mm thickness, using a wooden float and compact well as work proceeds. Finish with the type of float the project demands.

2. Using epoxy bonding layer – epidermix® 116

The concrete must be completely clean and surface dry. The recommended bonding layer is mixed as detailed in the relevant data sheet and is applied to the clean dry concrete by brush or roller.

The abedur S screed is laid into the still tacky epidermix® 116, compacting well. Ensure freedom from voids both in and under the screed. Finish with the type of float the project demands. Cure fully for at least 5 days.

Power trowels may be employed for larger areas.


For optimum abedur S screed performance:

  1. Avoid excess water in the mix.
  2. Do not overfloat the surface.
  3. Cure thoroughly. An abedur S floor is only as good as its curing. Compressive strengths exceeding 80 MPa may be achieved when using the recommended water demand and cured correctly.
  4. Do not apply the product if the surrounding temperature and substrate is expected to be 10 ºC and falling, lower temperatures will delay the strength development properties.

Wherever abedur S is being laid, every effort must be made to prevent too rapid drying of the screed. Draughts should be excluded and direct sunlight must be avoided. To be able to perform as designed, abedur S screeds must be fully cured. The preferred method of curing is to pond the surface as soon as it will bear traffic and then to cover with polythene sheets weighed down with sand-filled polythene sausages.

A spray-applied a.b.e.® approved concrete curing compound may be used where a polythene sheet is impracticable (duracure SBC or duracure WB). Curing should be continued for at least five days.

Protection on Completion

Protect surface against traffic and spillage until cured.

Model Specification

The floor screed will be abedur S, a non-metallic, hard wearing, shrinkage compensated floor screed applied in accordance with a.b.e. recommendations including all necessary primers (epidermix® 116) and curing compound (duracure SBC or duracure WB) where directed.


abedur S is supplied in 25 kg polyethylene lined paper bags. (Code: 11412025)

Handling & Storage

All abedur S related products have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry, cool store in the original, unopened packs. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity conditions, the shelf life may be reduced.

Health & Safety

abedur S contains cement powders, which when mixed or become damp, release alkalis which can be harmful to the skin. During use, avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment. The use of barrier creams provides additional skin protection. In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water, then cleanse with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately – do not induce vomiting. MSDS is available upon request.

Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot accept any liability for application – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total

a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over the years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction