1. The Shake

The following products are factory-prepared, ready-to-apply shakes. Use the product as it comes from the bag.

  • abeplate (pre-mixed)
  • abe cron (pre-mixed)

Do not mix these products with cement, they are ready to use.

2. Placing Concrete

Monolithic (Single Course) Method: 

Concrete of the required strength design with 75 mm slump, or less, and with not more than 3% entrained air should be carefully deposited between previously placed screed points with the least possible handling. A small spud vibrator (“Pencil type”), inserted vertically, is recommended to consolidate concrete at corners and sides of forms and bulkheads, particularly when keyed joints are involved.

NOTE: for heavy duty traffic areas, concrete designed for at least 30 MPa should be used.

NOTE: to minimise cracking, concrete should contain a water-reducing agent.

NOTE: at temperatures below 15°C

(1) provide a tight enclosure, heated concrete and heat, as required to maintain the temperature of concrete in place at 10°C, or above; make certain fumes from heaters are vented to the outside;

(2) do not add calcium chloride to concrete over which abeplate will be applied.

NOTE: at temperatures over 32°C, low humidity or placing concrete without protection from the wind or sun, adjust slump and mix design to cope with rapid evaporation, but maintain specified strength. Under these conditions it is preferable to delay the floor work until after the roof is erected.


NOTE: in areas bordering sea water, do not use salt water, or salt contaminated aggregate, in concrete over which abeplate will be applied.

3. Striking off Concrete

Move concrete into place using square tipped shovels or other solid bladed tools. Do not use rakes.

Vibrators, when used, should be inserted vertically and should not be used to move concrete, but to consolidate it. The concrete should be struck off to level with a true, wooden, strike-off bar.

5. First Floating

Concrete adjacent to forms, columns, pits, doorways and walls should be floated first because it stiffens faster than the concrete in the overall areas.

NOTE: in arid climates, areas exposed to sun, or 25 mm – 38 mm thick toppings exposed to temperatures over 12°C, omit balance of Operation No. 5 and start Operation No. 6. Float the overall areas as soon as the concrete will bear the weight of a finisher and a light trowelling machine (equipped with float blades) without digging in.

NOTE: if free bleed water remains on the surface at this time, it must be removed prior to floating. A rubber hose dragged slowly over the surface is the best method.

6. Applying the First Shake

The first shake should be applied to the floated concrete adjacent to walls, forms, columns and doorways as soon as possible, since these areas lose moisture very rapidly. Immediately behind the first floating of the overall areas, as it proceeds, apply two thirds of the total shake specified. Spread the shake evenly. Do not throw the shake.

NOTE: when a.b.e.®‘s coloured floor products are properly applied according to these directions, using reasonable care and skill, attractive, uniformly coloured floors will be obtained. a.b.e.® cannot be responsible for diluted or mottled colour resulting from careless or improper application of the shake, finishing or curing or from failure to protect the finished floor from staining and damage by construction trades until turned over to owner.

7. Floating First Shake

Float the shake on concrete adjacent to walls, forms and columns as soon as possible. Other finisher’s using mechanical trowels with float blades should float shake on overall areas as soon as the shake has taken moisture, as indicated by a darkening of the surface, and as soon as the float blades do not dig into the surface. Float just enough to ensure moisture being brought completely through the shake from the base concrete. Time floating operations so it will not be necessary to sprinkle water on the surface.

8. Applying Second Shake

Immediately behind floating of first shake, apply final one-third of shake, as floating proceeds. Spread shake evenly.

9. Floating Second Shake

Using a mechanical trowelling machine equipped with float blades or disk float, float soon enough and long enough to bring moisture completely through the second shake.

NOTE: if a coarse non-slip finish is desired, omit Operations No. 10 to No. 14 inclusive and proceed with Operation No. 15, curing.

10. Additional Floating

The surface may be further compacted by a third mechanical floating if time and setting characteristics of the concrete permit it to be floated.

NOTE: if a medium, non-slip finish is desired, omit Operations No. 11 to No. 14 inclusive and proceed with Operation No. 15, curing.

11. First Trowelling

When the surface has further stiffened and lost some of its sheen, it should be trowelled by hand or mechanical trowel, keeping the trowel blades relatively flat.

NOTE: if a fine, non-slip finish is desired omit Operations No. 12 to No. 14 inclusive and proceed with Operation No. 15, curing.

12. Second Trowelling

When the surface has tightened up further, it should be trowelled again by hand or mechanical trowel.

The blades may be raised slightly in this operation.

For light coloured floors, such as Metallic White, a stainless steel trowel must be used for the second and subsequent trowellings.