High chemical resistant clear resin system

abecote® SF 217 is a two component, solvent free novolac modified epoxy.


abecote® SF 217 clear resin system is used for sealing, laminating, screening and grouting applications. Not suitable for use on galvanised or other zinc coated surfaces.

  • High chemical resistance not possible with standard epoxies
  • May be used as a laminating resin
  • For high chemical resistance screeding
  • For chemical tile grouting
  • For sealing porous elements such as concrete and wood

Light amber – do not use pigments.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces must be clean, sound and dry. Moisture content tests must be conducted prior to application of the priming system. Maximum moisture content should be between 4 – 5% (e.g. Protimeter Survey Master or equivalent) or Dynamic Calcium Chloride moisture “weight gain” over 24 hours or (a practical overnight “plastic sheet test” is also advisable approximately 1 m2 masked down on surface).


abecote® 384 for metal surfaces.

Density 1.132 g/cm³
Colour Light amber. Note: the use of stir-in paste pigments will compromise chemical resistance
Flash point +120 ºC
Storage coverage Store under cover in cool conditions
Dilution Do not dilute


Application by Brush or mohair roller for unfilled systems
Application temperature range 10 ºC to 40 ºC
Work-life Approximately 50 minutes @ 25 ºC
Volume solids 100%
Curing time @ 25 ºC Touch dry: 4 hours
Practical cure: 24 hours
Full cure: 7 days
Overcoating time @ 25 ºC Minimum: 8 hours
Maximum: 24 hours
Unfilled system
Maximum wft Approximately 75 μm on a non-porous surface
Theoretical coverage for above dft Coverage on concrete varies according to porosity
Spread rate A practical spread rate would be approximately 6 m2/L/coat
Recommended number of coats 2 minimum and 3 for adverse conditions
Filled system
Typical film thickness 6 – 10 mm
Spread rate film thickness 1 L/m² yields 1 mm


See last 2 pages of this data sheet


Maximum service temperature Chemical resistance best at ambient and dramatically reduced at higher temperatures (see charts on next pages)
Shrinkage during cure Negligible
Properties Of Wet Material


Density 1.132 g/cm³
Colour Light amber. Note: the use of stir-in paste pigments will compromise chemical resistance
Flash point +120 ºC
Storage coverage Store under cover in cool conditions
Dilution Do not dilute


Properties During Application


Application by Brush or mohair roller for unfilled systems
Application temperature range 10 ºC to 40 ºC
Work-life Approximately 50 minutes @ 25 ºC
Volume solids 100%
Curing time @ 25 ºC Touch dry: 4 hours
Practical cure: 24 hours
Full cure: 7 days
Overcoating time @ 25 ºC Minimum: 8 hours
Maximum: 24 hours
Unfilled system
Maximum wft Approximately 75 μm on a non-porous surface
Theoretical coverage for above dft Coverage on concrete varies according to porosity
Spread rate A practical spread rate would be approximately 6 m2/ℓ/coat
Recommended number of coats 2 minimum and 3 for adverse conditions
Filled system
Typical film thickness 6 – 10 mm
Spread rate film thickness 1 ℓ/m² yields 1 mm


Chemical Properties Of Dry Film


See last 2 pages of this data sheet


Properties Of Cured Material


Maximum service temperature Chemical resistance best at ambient and dramatically reduced at higher temperatures (see charts on next pages)
Shrinkage during cure Negligible

Add the entire contents of the activator tin to the base and, without splashing, stir with a flat paddle until homogeneous. This takes at least five minutes. Beware high summer temperature and overfast drill mixing causing extremely fast curing. Very low winter temperature retards/stops curing.


See last page of this data sheet.


For laminating and sealing applications:

Apply abecote® SF 217 by brush or short fibre roller. Overcoating times must be strictly adhered to. Final cure time, particularly in immersion situations, must also be adhered to. abecote® SF 217 must not be applied if the ambient temperature is below 5 ºC. The curing reaction will not proceed at low temperatures.

For screeding and grouting applications

Premix the aggregate to obtain even distribution of the various fractions. When using a mechanical mixer, place mixed liquid in the pan and slowly add the premixed aggregate, mixing until an evenly coated wetted mix results. Use this procedure also if manual mixing is carried out in a drum. All lumps must be broken down and an even, wetted mass obtained. Apply by means of a pointing trowel to tiles, remove excess and ensure that surface is tooled to compact. When screeding, lay using plastic trowels and screed rails of the appropriate thickness. Rails should be kept as clean as possible otherwise false thicknesses will result.

Small areas should be laid at a time trowelled to a smooth surface and not touched again. Always try to achieve a wet joint where one area abuts another. Where it is known that an edge is going to form an overnight joint, this should be trowelled to give a feather edge over at least a 50 mm width. Prime this feather edge before laying adjacent material.

abecote® SF 217 mortar mix

The usual thickness of this mortar is 6 to 10 mm and it must be laid onto a surface which has previously been primed with a coat of abecote® SF 217. Upon completion of the screed or grouting, apply two coats of neat abecote® SF 217, allow for curing between coats. Refer spread rate in table above.

Do not feather edge the product. Approximate mortar yield:
5 ℓ Resin kit + 3 x 9.5 kg aggregate *2 yields approx. 17.0 litres.


abe® super brush cleaner before dried/cured.

Protection on Completion

Protect against traffic and spillage until cured. Most epoxies chalk and degrade in extensive sunlight.

Model Specification

Two component, solvent free high chemical resistant clear resin system.

The system will be abecote® SF 217, solvent free, high chemical resistant, clear resin applied in accordance with a.b.e.® recommendations including necessary fillers as directed.


abecote® SF 217 is supplied in 5ℓ kits (Code: 21701005).

Handling and Storage

All abecote® SF 217 related products have a shelf-life of 12 months if kept in a dry, cool store in the original, unopened packs. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity conditions, the shelf-life may be reduced.

Health and Safety

Wet abecote® SF 217 is toxic. Ensure the working area is well ventilated during application and curing Avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin and eyes. Suitable protective clothing, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment should be worn. The use of barrier creams provides additional skin protection. If contact with skin occurs, wash with water and soap. Splashes into eyes should be washed immediately with plenty of clean water and medical advice sought.

Cured abecote® SF 217 is inert and non-toxic but must not be allowed to come into contact with foodstuff or drinking water.

Note: When transporting liquids and semi-liquids by aircraft, ask for material safety data sheet.

Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.®  endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation,
specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot accept any liability for application – because a.b.e.®  has no direct or
continuous control over where and how a.b.e.®  products are applied.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total

a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over the years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction

Please consult our website for our latest datasheets.

Chemical Resistance

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total

a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over the years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction

Key * Based on reference

R: Resistant (subject to a reasonable standard of housekeeping). LR: Limited resistance i.e. occasional spillage provided it is quickly washed down or rapidly evaporated

NR: Not resistant

The classification ‘resistant’ has been given where samples have retained more than 70% of their compressive strength and have not lost or gained more than 3% of their weight when totally immersed in the environments. Experience has shown that this interpretation correlates well with practical applications. As a result the above table has been compiled as a guide to the suitability of correctly applied screeding material provided that a reasonable standard of housekeeping is maintained during service.

End users should satisfy themselves that the screeding material is suitable for their particular environmental conditions and take into account the mechanical duty which may accompany any chemical spillage. It should also be noted that some environments (especially inorganic chemicals) will affect the colour of the screeding material on the surface.

COMPOUND – abecote® SF 217
Chemical Temperature Compressive
Reference 25 °C 52 MPa/NA NA
De-ionised water 25 °C 37 MPa/71% R
30% HCI
25 °C 52 MPa/100% R
30% HCI
98 °C 47 MPa/91% LR
38% H2 SO4
25 °C 51 MPa/90% R
38% H2 SO4
98 °C 27 MPa/52% LR
70% H2 SO4
25 °C 49 MPa/94% R
98% H2 SO4
25 °C 52 MPa/100% R
98% H2 SO4
42 °C 24 MPa/47% LR
25% H2 SO4
Draper Penhall
42 MPa/82% R
98% H2 SO4
(7 days @ 60 °C
+ 7 days RT) x 2
93% HNO3
25 °C NR
93% HNO3
42 °C NR
30% HNO3
Draper Penhall
Equal amounts
of 30%
HCI/38% H2
SO4/93% HNO3
25 °C NR
Equal amounts
of 30%
HCI/38% H2
SO4/93% HNO3
42 °C NR
56% H3 PO4
25 °C 47 MPa/91% R
56% H3 PO4
88 °C NR
80% H3 PO4
25 °C 49 MPa/94% R
80% H3 PO4
Draper Penhall


COMPOUND – abecote® SF 217
Chemical Temperature Compressive
10% Lactic acid 25 °C 46 MPa/89% R
10% Acetic acid 25 °C 37 MPa/71% R
Methanol 25 °C 22 MPa/43% LR
Ethanol 25 °C 42 MPa/80% R
Toluol 25 °C 51 MPa/99% R
Xylene 25 °C 52 MPa/100% R
MEK 25 °C 15 MPa/28% LR
25 °C 52 MPa/100% R
50% NaOH
25 °C 51 MPa/99% R
10% Sodium
25 °C 40 MPa/77% R


System Base *1 Activator *1 Aggregate *2 Yield Spread rate
Laminating 3.479 kg or 3ℓ 2.074 kg or 2ℓ None – but may be used with chemical resistant
non-woven mat
5ℓ 13.33 m²/ℓ at 75 m wft (no loss
taken into account)
Sealing 3.479 kg or 3ℓ 2.074 kg or 2ℓ None – but may be used with chemical resistant
non-woven mat
5ℓ 13.33 m²/ℓ at 75 μm wft (no loss
taken into account)
Screed 1.057 kg 0.630 kg 8.0 kg 5ℓ 1ℓ/m² yields 1 mm film thickness
Grout 1.057 kg 0.630 kg 8.0 kg 5ℓ 1ℓ/m² yields 1 mm film thickness

*1 – may be mixed 3:2 by volume, but proportioning by weight is best
*2 – use 20051008 aggregate