General Description


flintkote floors are cold laid bituminous mastics made by mixing flintkote and suitable aggregates. flintkote industrial floors are usually laid 13mm to 25mm thick over a concrete floor or specially prepared granular base although a considerable number have been laid over sound timber floor structures.

They provide a tough, resilient, stable jointless surface capable of withstanding the most heavily laden forklift trucks and steel wheel trolleys without any detrimental effects. flintkote mastic floors are waterproof, and are warm underfoot. The surface is dust-free, non-skid, hygienic, and reduces the noise level where traffic and machinery are operating. Under most conditions minimal maintenance is required.

The quantities and proportions of materials required will vary depending on the application. For light traffic and floor patching, where a maximum thickness of only 13mm is needed, use Mastic Mix No 1. For industrial floors use Mastic Mix No 2.

1. Preparation of Base

1.1 Most flintkote industrial floors are laid on concrete bases. However they can be successfully laid on timber floors and compacted granular bases. In such cases the guidance of Shells Bitumen Division is recommended.

1.2 The base must be clean, free of loose material, oil and grease. On concrete surfaces light concentrations of oil may be removed by scrubbing with a strong detergent solution. Heavy concentrations may require a caustic wash or other treatment. The surface should be finally washed with water.

1.3 Badly broken areas and deep holes should be given a brush coat of flintkote Flooring Emulsion then filled to the level of the base with Mastic Mix No 1 Allow the mastic to set thoroughly before proceeding further. Alternatively, Tixophalte can be used to fill minor cracks and gaps.

1.4 Prime all concrete surfaces with a wash coat of equal volumes of flintkote Flooring Emulsion and water. This should be scrubbed well into the surface and allowed to dry.

1.5 Apply a tack coat of undiluted flintkote Flooring Emulsion at the rate of 0.5 litres per sqm. The mastic may be laid into the tack coat while it is still wet but working is easier if it is allowed to dry beforehand.

2. Making of Mastic Mix

2.1 Mix only as much as can be laid in one hour. Measure all quantities accurately.

2.2 Dry – mix cement, sand and/or stone chippings, adding only sufficient water to dampen the mass if materials are particularly dry. Then add flintkote as specified.

2.3 If additional water is required to assist mixing, this must be added sparingly. It is essential to ensure that the total volume of water in the mix, which includes the moisture content of the sand, is less than the volume of cement used.

2.4 When the mastic is mixed, it must be slump – free and should stand firm when sliced with a spade. Too much moisture in the mix will cause excessive shrinkage of the mastic resulting in cracks appearing in the floor.

3. Laying of Mastic Mix

3.1 Place screed strips of the same thickness as the depth to which the mastic is to be laid at intervals of 1.8 to 2.0 metres.

3.2 Lay the mastic between the screeds and tamp thoroughly to consolidate the mix.

3.3 Using the screed strips as a levelling guide, strike off with a straight edge working backwards and forwards in a sawlike motion. Use a wooden float to level up the surface and then lightly roll. Keep it wet and clean.

3.4 When the mastic has achieved its initial set it may be floated off with a steel trowel using an equal volume of flintkote and water as a trowelling lubricant.

3.5 Excessive use of the trowel must be avoided to prevent the fines in the mix being drawn to the surface.

4. Jointing

4.1 When laying up to work finished the previous day, the edge of the mastic must be given a tack coat of flintkote Flooring Emulsion beforehand.

5. Curing of the Mastic

5.1 Rapid drying will cause the mastic to crack. Windows and doors should be shut to reduce draughts. At this stage the floor must not be exposed to strong sunlight.

5.2 Covering with black polythene sheet or wet sacks when the surface of the floor is no longer tacky will prevent the mastic drying too rapidly.

5.3 Under normal conditions the floor may be opened to general traffic 48 hours after curing is completed. Note: After the curing process some cracks may appear. Repair by mixing equal quantities of flintkote, cement and water, and spread over the floor using a squeegee.

6. Mastic Mixes

Mix No.1 (for light traffic – max thickness 13mm)

• 1 volume Portland cement

• 2 volumes flintkote Flooring Emulsion

• 4 volumes sand

Mix No.2 (for Industrial floors – min thickness 13mm)

• 1 volume Portland cement

• 2 volumes flintkote Flooring Emulsion

• 2 volumes sand 4 volumes stone chippings graded mm to 3mm

7. Mixing Equipment

7.1 The most suitable mixing equipment for making flintkote mastics are a paddleshaft or pan-type concrete mixer. Conventional rotating barrel-type concrete mixers are not as satisfactory. The mixing process is more difficult and takes longer. If mixing is done by hand, small batches are easier to handle.

8. General Floor Patching

8.1 Concrete or bituminous mastic floors may be patched with Mastic Mix No.1

8.2 Preparation work should be the same as for 1.4 and 1.5. Carry 100mm beyond the outer area of the edge to be treated.

8.3 Lay Mastic Mix No.1 (see 6.1) and allow for subsequent compaction by leaving the patch slightly proud of the level of the floor surface. Feather edge to the surrounding floor level to the extent of the tack coat.


9. Points to Remember

9.1 Use clean sharp processed sand and clean, graded stone chips.

9.2 Do not use an all-in- mix type of material

9.3 flintkote is the binding medium in the mastic. It must not be diluted and the quantity recommended should not be altered. The cement acts principally as a filler but also adds to the hardness to the mastic floor.

9.4 Be mindful of rapid curing of the mastic in summer weather. Winter conditions and high humidity will have the opposite effect.

9.5 Clean tools and equipment daily with water when wet, Mineral Turpentine when dry.

10. Summary of Specification & Quantities


Product Name

Coverage/Coat – L/sqm

Repair of Cracks


Flooring Emulsion





Flooring Emulsion

0.20 (undiluted)

Tack Coat

Flooring Emulsion


Mastic mix 1

Flooring Emulsion

Portland Cement





Mastic mix 2

Flooring Emulsion

Portland Cement


Stone Chippings



