Showers WHAT TO USE ? a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals‘ range of Waterproofing products for showers consists of: duraproof cem blockduraproof cem block is a powdered waterproofing admixture for plasters and mortars.abe® peel & stick membrane is a under tile self-adhesive waterproofing membraneUnder tile, self-adhesive waterproofing membrane comprising of a unique ethylene polymer modified bitumen duracote decorative waterproof coating for brick, plaster and concrete with textured finishduracote decorative waterproofing offers excellent waterproofing, profiling, bond and strength properties. Available in various earthy colors to give any item or area that decorative smooth or textured finish. duracrack fillerduracrack filler provides superior adhesion, compression and tensile bond strengths including excellent waterproofing properties.duraflex® two part flexible waterproofing slurryDIY waterproofing, watch how-to- video, download product information and view step-by-step leaflet. Additional Information Conversion Tables Formulae Trigonometry Tables Heath & Safety