Water Features, Dams & Koi Ponds
- super laykold®
- duraflex®
- bidim® (geotextile fabric)
- bidim® flashpack®
- bituseal® plastic
- super laycryl® and abe® membrane
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold® spray & seal®
- hydroproof®
- hydroproof® LITE
Flat Roofing
- primer: bituprime
- covering: abedex® unigum® or
abe® torch-on 4 mm - coating: silvakote® eco
- flashing: super laycryl® and
abe® membrane
- malthoid (DPC)
- flintkote (VB)
- abe® waterproofing slurry
Gutter Leaks
- bituseal® plastic
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold®
- super laykold® spay & seal®
Negative Side Damp Proofing
- abe® waterproofing slurry
- duraflex®
- super laycryl® and abe® membrane
- super laykold®
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold® spray & seal®
- bituseal® plastic
- hydroproof®
- hydroproof® LITE
Parapet Walls
- super laycryl®
- hydroproof®
- hydroproof® LITE
- duraproof cem block
- duracrack filler
- duracote decorative
Positive Side Damp Proofing
- wallseal
- duraflex®
- brixeal®
- abe® waterproofing slurry
- duraproof cem block
- super laykold®
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold® spay & seal®
- bituseal® plastic
- hydroproof®
- hydroproof® LITE
- duracote decorative
Roof Care
- duraroof
Roofing Screws
- super lacryl® and abe® membrane
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold® spray & seal®
- bituseal® plastic
- duraflex®
- duraproof cem block
- duracrack filler
- duracote decorative
- abe® peel and stick membrane
Tanks and Water Features
- cement: duraflex® or
super laykold® - metal: ravenol
Under Roofing Tiles
- slatex® 2000
Valley Gutters
- super lacryl® and abe® membrane
- bituseal® plastic
- super laykold®
- super laykold® tape
- super laykold® spray & seal®
- bituseal® plastic
- hydroproof®
- hydroproof® LITE
Concrete Repair & Protection
Cement, Repair & Grout
- duragrout® GP (non-shrink)
- durarep FR (fibre-reinforced)
- durarep FC (fairing coat)
- durarep 60 & 180
- abe® CEM-blanc (white cement)
Epoxy, Repair, Grout & Adhesives
- epidermix® 314
- epidermix® 318
- epidermix® 344
- epidermix® 395
- epidermix® 396
Metal Etch Priming
- 4 metal primer
Plaster Bonding & Finishing
- abebond® plastergrip
- duralatex
- abebond® plasta enhancer
- abe® lite finishing plaster
Polyester (Styrene Free) Anchorage
- abe® chemical anchor GP
Tree Seal
- treeseal pruning grade
- treeseal grafting grade
Wood Preservative
- carbolineum
- creosote
- provonite
Sealants & Adhesives
Epoxy Adhesive, Filler & Grout
- epidermix® 372
General Purpose & Sanitary
- abe® silicone
- Dowsil 781
Paintable & Gap Filling
- abe® filler foam
- abe® PAINTERS acrylic
- Painters Mate
Secure & Seal
- TheWorks Pro
Windows & Door Frames / Joints
- flexothane® 27
- Dowsil 813 C
- Dowsil 799
Wood Block Adhesive
- grip-a-bloc