All the relevant product data sheets are to be read for additional information like pot life, mixing instructions, surface preparation, ventilation, temperature application limitations, etc.

Reinforcing Steel – Concrete not Affected by Carbonation or Chlorides

Where exposed reinforcement is sound and there are no signs of corrosion other than typical of its original condition it shall be mechanically cleaned of rust and loose millscale. Where there are signs of corrosion deterioration it shall be cleaned of corrosion products by wet grit blasting or other approved means to achieve a surface finish to comply with a standard of steel cleanliness such as SA2½ (BS7079:Part A1/ ISO8501) or as directed by the Contract Administrator.

Reinforcement damaged during the removal of concrete or the preparation process shall be brought to the attention of the Contract Administrator and if required, shall be repaired or replaced.

Reinforcing Steel – Concrete Affected by Carbonation and/or Chlorides

All exposed reinforcement shall be cleaned of corrosion products by wet grit blasting or other approved means to achieve a surface finish to comply with a standard of steel cleanliness such as SA2½ (BS7079:Part A1/ISO8501) or as directed by the Contract Administrator. Special care shall be taken to clean out properly any pitting which may have occurred in the steel bar.

When the corrosion products have been removed and if directed by the Contract Administrator, the diameter of the reinforcing bar(s) shall be measured. If considered necessary by the Contract Administrator the existing reinforcement shall be cut out and replaced and/or additional bars added in accordance with instructions. Any deep pitting of the reinforcing bars shall be brought to the attention of the Contract Administrator.

Where the presence of chloride is determined, it is essential that the cleaning process is completed by pressure washing with clean water the total exposed areas of reinforcing steel to ensure the removal of all residual contamination from the pitted surface of steel.

Reinforcement damaged during the removal of concrete or the preparation process shall be brought to the attention of the Contract Administrator and if required, shall be repaired or replaced.

Reinforcement Priming

Immediately following preparation and cleaning, the reinforcing steel shall be primed with dura.®rep ZR primer single component epoxy primer complying with the relevant parts of BS4652, 1971 (1979) Specification For Metallic Zinc Rich Priming Paint Type 2.

The dura.®rep ZR primer shall be brush applied to the cleaned reinforcement ensuring that all exposed steel is fully coated. Special attention shall be paid to the backs of the steel bars and where steel bars are tied together. It is essential that this coat is continuous with that of any adjacent repaired area where zinc-rich primer has been used. Avoid excessive overpainting onto the concrete and allow to dry.

Products Required
  • abe® super brush cleaner
  • dura.®rep ZR primer
Equipment Needed
  • 100 mm paint brush
  • Flat mixing paddle 25 mm wide x 5 mm thick
  • Short nap roller
  • Suitable 5 litre steel mixing tin
Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® endeavors to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied – accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of a.b.e.® products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation, or information given by the company.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total requirements. a.b.e.® has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction technology.