All the relevant product data sheets are to be read for additional information like pot life, mixing instructions, surface preparation, ventilation, temperature application limitations, etc.

Concrete Fairing

dura.rep FC single component polymer modified fairing coat shall be used. It is designed for application to a maximum thickness in one coat of 3 mm. dura.rep FC may be feather edged.


For fairing following concrete repair; filling blow-holes and similar imperfections; providing an ideal background for subsequent surface coatings overall. A fairing is not designed as a surface finish in its own right.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces shall be sound, clean, dry and free from laitance, dust, oil, paint, grease, corrosion deposits organic growth and any other deleterious substance.

Surfaces shall be cleaned by mechanical means, steam, pressure washing with clean water, grit blasting, or a combination to satisfy. Any remaining dust or loose material should be removed by blowing with oil-free clean compressed air.


The mixing shall be carried out strictly in accordance with current product instructions for use and only with appropriate mixing equipment.

Mixing Warning

As with other ‘one pack’ repair mortars dura.rep FC may exhibit satisfactory handling characteristics even though inadequately mixed. This will result in a significantly lower level of performance or possible failure. It is therefore essential that mixing instructions are strictly adhered to with particular emphasis on the quantity of water used and the time of the mixing operation. For improved adhesion and performance replace half the mixing water with dura.latex.


The prepared concrete shall be thoroughly saturated with clean water and maintained in this condition for minimum 30 minutes prior to application of dura.rep FC.

Using a steel trowel and a scrape-on scrape-off technique, blow-holes, imperfections and the like, shall be filled flush to the surrounding surface.

Where the overall surface, or areas thereof, require fairing to produce a smooth, regular surface, further apply the fairing as a render to a maximum thickness of 3 mm. This shall be a separate operation after dura.rep FC in filled blowholes has completely dried. Finish with a steel trowel or sponge float to blend to adjacent areas, or according to instructions of the Client’s Representative.

dura.rep FC shall not be applied when ambient temperature is 5°C and falling. Protect dura.rep FC from rain and from freezing for at least 48 hours after application.

In hot, humid, coastal situations and in heavy industrial areas ensure that the substrate is washed down thoroughly with clean water prior to the application of dura.rep FC. This is to prevent possible adhesion failure as a result of contamination with air-borne contaminants.


Provision for curing need only be made where dura.rep FC is exposed in conditions of very rapid drying.

Where curing is necessary, GP shall be applied by low-pressure spray to the surface as finishing proceeds.

Products Required
  • GP
  • dura.latex
  • dura.rep FC
Equipment Needed
  • 150 mm paint brush
  • Heavy duty Festo mixer with helical mixing head
  • Suitable 25 litre mixing bucket
Important Note

This data sheet is issued as a guide to the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst a.b.e.® Construction Chemicals endeavors to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot – because a.b.e.® has no direct or continuous control over where and how a.b.e.® products are applied – accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of a.b.e.® products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation, or information given by the company.

Further Information

Where other products are to be used in conjunction with this material, the relevant technical data sheets should be consulted to determine total requirements.