June 2016 marked the successful transfer of full ownership of Dow Corning to The Dow
Chemical Company. Work is underway to further integrate the two businesses, putting them
closer to serving customers better. Ensuring a positive experience for customers throughout
this integration is a top priority.
Key Integration Activities
This project involves multiple systems and processes, including a full SAP/enterprise resource
planning (ERP) integration. This effort will help provide customers with greater access to
expertise and products, more buying options and improved reliability. Key activities include:
Product branding updates
Existing Dow Corning® and Dow Corning Toray product brands are being phased out,
as a requirement of the ownership restructuring
A new product brand name, DOWSIL™, will replace most Dow Corning® and Dow Corning
Toray branded products (see chart below)
Product descriptors will not change (see chart below)
Labels, safety data sheets and other documentation will be updated
Chemical equivalency certificates are available on the integration information center website
Registrations and certifications will be renewed
The vast majority of material numbers and SKUs will remain unchanged – material numbers
will now be called GMIDs
Legal entity changes
Many Dow Corning legal entities globally will be consolidated into Dow legal entities
Changes will enable greater efficiency, helping to serve customers better
There may be impact to Dow Corning legal entity names and addresses, VAT numbers, tax ID numbers, and processes related to purchasing
and billing (Note: physical locations of facilities will not change)
Labels, safety data sheets and other documentation will be updated
New website
The website will replace the dowcorning.com and xiameter.com platforms
Customers can expect a simpler, more enjoyable online search and buying experience
Features include what customers liked about the xiameter.com e-commerce platform, such as order commitment and real-time product availability
Customers will receive information about logging in and how to update passwords
Customer credentials and open orders automatically will transfer
To help customers through the entire transition, an integration information center is available at dowcorning.com/integration.
The information center features:
Regular updates
Easy access to key materials related to the integration activities
Frequently asked questions
Archive with past customer communications
Chemical equivalency certificate tool
For questions or concerns, reach out to your usual contacts, or email [email protected].
Phase 1 – Anticipated to begin in November 2017 for customers who order products within Europe, the Middle East and Africa
Phase 2 – Anticipated to begin in February 2018, reaching customers throughout the rest of the world
Timely and consistent updates will be provided so that customers can adequately prepare
The phased approach will enable Dow and Dow Corning to focus all of their resources on each implementation, helping to enable a positive experience for all
customers during both phases